
Crazy Random Cool Loves The crazy in Love is Blind Season 4

Crazy Random Cool Podcast about Love is Blind

Yes, I have a podcast. The podcast is called Crazy Random Cool. It seems like almost everyone that thinks they have something important to say or finds themselves to be entertaining has a podcast. That is why you will be surprised to find out that my podcast is over four years old. It would actually be five years old if it didn’t take me so long to understand the technical side of the process.

Crazy Random Cool Is Born

Crazy Random Cool was born in 2020 in the heart of the pandemic. Suddenly, like everyone else I had a lot of time on my hands. Then, learning how to create a podcast became a reality. People would ask me random questions when I told them I was starting a podcast. Who is your audience? What will you talk about are just a few. I had no idea; I just knew I wanted to start a podcast. Therefore, that and my short attention span were the reasons I named my podcast Crazy Random Cool. For everyone that wants to tune in and talk about random things, with random people while I shift topics like a crazy person is welcome. Yes, my audience is random too because I have no idea who is really listening even though I have the stats.

Love is Blind Infatuation

Recently, I have decided to be overly distracted with the show Love is Blind like the rest of the world. The show is also in Season Four just like yours truly and it is everywhere. It seems like you can’t get on Tik Tok or Instagram without seeing at least 10 videos that talk about the show. Some of the posts are hilarious and some of the posts are people spewing their bias. Either way, I am here for it and enjoying the commentary. I mention Love is Blind because right now it is a huge inspiration for most of my podcast topics.

Cheering for Zack and Bliss

I am a huge supporter of Zack and Bliss. I would say I am huge supporter of Tiffany and Brett but who isn’t. If that isn’t a match made in heaven, I don’t know what is. However, while Zack and Bliss may not have had as easy of a start, I do believe they can find happiness with each other. Can I just add that show watchers that call Zack are just basic AF. They want the same typical bachelor type. This man has overcome adversity and losing his mother to become quite successful. Just because he doesn’t come in the package most people find acceptable doesn’t mean he isn’t awesome. If you can’t see past that then go back to your basic life and kick rocks.

Random Advice

While I have done my fair share of dragging people this season, I do not condone it. My advice for the cast members of the show that are getting dragged right now, stay humble. While you may think you are awesome (and you probably are in some ways) and bring a lot of positives to the table, so do a lot of other people. You aren’t much better than your counterparts unless you are talking about Jackie Bonds. Additionally, you will not be everyone’s cup of tea. So, unless you want everyone pointing out your red flags and magnifying every flaw, just stay humble my friends.

Tune into Crazy Random Cool

If you are fan or just looking for a new podcast to listen to tune into Crazy Random Cool. You may have to skip around as my topics can be all over the place. But what would be the fun in having a focus on something other than the craziness?

Tune into my podcast episode entitled Sloppy Seconds on Inspired by Season Four of Love is Blind.